July 30, 2008

If you are not a FRAZZLED MOMMY...

join your neighborhood swim team. You will be transformed into a full-fledged FRAZZLED MOMMY over night.:) Honestly, we are just now winding down our second season on swim team, and I swear the coach thinks I am a complete air head!:(

After fumbling my way through last year with 13 assigned jobs (You work at the meets or you are fined $75!), figured out how to read the program to get my kids to the right event, correct heat, and actual lane assignment (Absolutely mind boggling!), I thought this year would be a breeze.

Well, concerned that my oldest child had a soccer tournament during the upcoming County Swim Meet, I emailed the coach to let him know we would be unable to participate and to please remove my children from the roster. He very politely thanked me for letting him know, and that for my information, swimmers going to County have to meet a time minimum requirement. Oops! Another air head moment in front of the coach! By now, he's getting used to it. So, either way, we were not going to be there!:{

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