September 06, 2008

Dancing with the Stars Workout DVD

It finally arrived.  I had to wait 2 weeks for my FedEx package.  I immediately popped the first DVD into the player.  I was not dressed to workout, but could not help myself.  I actually did break a sweat, which is good for me.  

I did feel a bit tighter around the middle.  I really felt the workout in my back.  Like I said in an earlier post, the first day of school, I threw out my back.  I'm not sure if this workout had anything to do with that.  It is hard to say.  I do believe that it is on a long list of things that led up to my back going out on me.

So far, I was only able to view that first DVD.  I am laid up until my back stops complaining.  Boy does it hurt!  Prior to this injury, I did not realize how every single movement, no matter how minute, involves the lower back muscles.:(

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